Université Paul Sabatier - Bat. 3R1b4 - 118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse Cedex 09, France

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Conférences et Workshops

The Molecular Response Properties Winter School 2019 is organised by Trond Saue, Kenneth Ruud and Patrick Norman who have their backgrounds in the development and application of response theory methods in quantum chemistry. Applications include electric and magnetic spectroscopic properties of molecules, including linear and nonlinear interactions. The event takes place during January 14 –18, 2019.

The five-day programme will include comprehensive presentations of time-dependent response theory and electrodynamics. Response theory is explored in the time and frequency domains and with use of different quantum mechanical formulations. Electrodynamics is targeted towards an understanding of internal and external field interactions in/with molecular systems. More applied lectures cover presentations of linear and nonlinear optical properties, vibrational spectroscopies, UV/vis and X-ray absorption spectroscopies and birefringences, and magnetic resonance spectroscopies.

The registration is limited to 40 persons and the fee includes full board at Haraldvollen Senter.

Warmly welcome !

Trond Saue, Kenneth Ruud, and Patrick Norman.

The 7th Chinese-French Workshop in Theoretical Chemistry (CFWTC2019) is organized by the French-Chinese network in theoretical chemistry GDRI "Réseau Franco-Chinois de Chimie Théorique" (RFCCT). It will be held during May 12-15, 2019 in Toulouse and is organised by Michel Caffarel, Stefano Evangelisti and Hélène Bolvin.

Find all information in the website of the workshop.